This Whitepaper serves as an official document for Project: BOBATAMA. This professional document serves for the purposes of informational distribution. The information on this document relies solely upon continual and successful updates by the BOBATAMA Team. We are not obliged to tell any gatherings respect to the reality or content of any changes per the data. BOBATAMA does NOT make certain the exactness of this whitepaper documentation, and this professional document is given "without any guarantees." The BOBATAMA team explicitly disavows all portrayals and ensures, suggested, legal, or anyhow, at all, consisting of, but no longer limited to:

A. Ensuring of merchantability, qualification for a specific cause, appropriateness, utilization, name, or non-encroachment.

B. That the substance of this whitepaper are liberated from errors, omissions, or mistakes; and

C. That such substance may not intrude outsider freedoms. The whitepaper depicts the principle notion of the project, its motivation, and roadmap planning for future opportunities.

D. The monetary backer consequently perceives and acknowledges that there's an inalienable excessive threat in attending to, obtaining or the usage of any form of blockchain and furthermore crypto structure, token, stage, programming or interface, which includes BOBATAMA, and further prevents any body of evidence from getting any type in opposition to any community honestly or with the aid of concept related with BOBATAMA, for any damages suffered, including outright setback. This is not financial advice and please invest with discretion.

Last updated